
This product may be applied to foliage for knockdown and residual control of mites on ornamental plants (including ornamental bulb crops, bedding plants, foliage and flowering plants, perennials, shrubs and trees), tomatoes grown in greenhouses and all fruit trees that will not bear fruit for at least 12 months. The plants must be grown in the ground or in pots.
Active Ingredients:Bifenazate 22.6%
Packaging: 1 Quart
Rate: 4-8 oz / 100 gal water
Abamectin .15 EC

Abamectin 0.15 EC is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 0.15 lb abamectin per gallon. When mixed with water according to label, Abamectin 0.15 EC will control mites and leafminers, and suppress thrips, aphids and white flies on the following:
- Greenhouse
- Shadehouse
- Field Grown Ornamentals
- Foliage Plants
- Christmas Trees and other woody plants for the landscape markets
To control mites, apply Abamectin 0.15 EC when mites initially appear, then repeat as needed to maintain control. To control leafminers, apply Abamectin and repeat every 7 days or as needed to maintain control.
To control white flies, thrips, and aphids, apply Abamectin 0.15EC when the young & immature stages of these pests are first seen, then repeat once per week for 2-3 weeks.
Active Ingredients:Abamectin 0.15 EC
Packaging: 1 Quart, 1 gallon
Rate: 4-8 oz / 100 gal water
Floramite SC

Floramite SC is a selective miticide that provides outstanding control of mite pests on ornamental plants. Floramite produces quick knockdown through contact activity and long residual control of more than 21 days. It is effective on a variety of species of mites and all life stages of Tetranychidus spider mites.
Packaging: 1 Quart
Rate: 4-8 oz / 100 gal water
Hexygon IQ

Hexygon IQ (Ovicide/Miticide) provides long residual control which means mite control at a lower cost per day. Control up to 60 days. Highly sensitive for spider mites, Hexygon breaks the mite life cycle effectively by stopping development of eggs and immature mite stages without causing flare-ups. Because of its unique chemistry, Hexygon is ideal in an IPM program. Use Hexygon for ornamental plants, as well as nonbearing trees and vines growing in nurseries and greenhouses. It’s also ideal for established ornamental landscape plantings. Available in a granular formulation for easier measuring, mixing and handling.
Active Ingredients: Hexythiazox 11.93%
Packaging: 1 Quart
Rate: 4-8 oz / 100 gal water
Forbid 4F Miticide

Forbid 4F Miticide is another product for the control of mites and whiteflies. Forbid offers control of mites and whiteflies in all stages with fast knockdown and up to 30 days of residual control. The active ingredient, spiromesifen, is a lipid biosynthesis inhibitor that prevents the insects from maintaining a water balance necessary to sustain life. A tertramic acid, the acid ingredient blocks fat synthesis which causes the target pests to dry out and die. This mode of actions mean that Forbid has a lower potential for resistance development.
When Forbid 4F Miticide is applied to the host plant, it offers a translaminar activity, allowing it to penetrate the leaf and enter the vascular system, making the active ingredient available at the bottom of the leaf where whiteflies and mites primarily feed.
Active Ingredients: Spiromesifen
Packaging: 6 X 8 oz bottles / Box
Rate: 2-4 oz / 100 gal water
Bifen 7.9%

Bifenthrin 7.9% I/T is the equivalent to Talstar Pro Multi-Insecticide with the active ingredient bifenthrin that has long residual control of termites and 75 other pests. Its broad label includes everything from pre and post construction termite treatment, indoor and outdoor pest control, turf and ornamental applications, and food handling areas. Common insect pests include Termites, Ants, Gypsy Moth Caterpillars, Forest Tent Caterpillars, Eastern Tent Caterpillars, Adelgids, Aphids, Mites, Adult Leafminers, Pine Shoot Beetles, Japanese Beetles, Leafhoppers, Mosquitos, etc.
Active Ingredients: Bifentrhin
Packaging: 1 gallon (4 gal / case)
Rate: 5.4 – 21.7 oz / 100 gal water
Dormant Oil

Dormant and summer spray oil is an especially refined phytonomic oil contact insecticide. It is for use on plants in foliage or dormant stages.
Active Ingredients: 98% Petroleum Oil
Packaging: 2.5 gallon jug, 55 gallon drum
Rate: 1 gal / 100 gal water with plants in foliage stage. 2 gal / 100 gal water with plants in dormant stage.
Mode of Action: Contact, Smothers
Bifen XTS

Bifen XTS I an oil based insecticide that contains 25.1% Bifenthrin and provides water resistant, long lasting residual control, even during watering and rainfall. Broad label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for trunk spray applications. This product provides a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals. Bifen XTS controls a variety of pests including: Ants, Aphids, Borers, Chinch Bugs, Crickets, Fleas, Spiders and others.
Active Ingredients: Bifentrhin
Packaging: 1 gallon jug
Rate: 6.4 – 12.8 oz / 100 gallons water (see label for full instruction)
Tempo SC Ultra

Tempo SC Ultra insecticide is a broad spectrum control for over 50 species of indoor/ outdoor insect including: Elm Leaf Beetles, Box Elder Bugs, Cockroaches, Japanese Beetles, Webworms, etc.
Active Ingredients: beta-Cyfluthrin 11.8%
Packaging: 240 ml bottle (6 bottle / case)
Rate: 45-160 ml / 100 gal water
Imidacloprid 2F

Imidacloprid is a broad-spectrum ornamental, turf & landscape insecticide that is highly systemic. It is a proven performer and provides excellent and long-lasting pest control. Here are just some of the pests Imidacloprid controls: Japanese Beetle larvae, Japanese Beetle, Cutworm larvae, Green June Beetle Larvae, Adelgids, Leaf Beetles, Leafhoppers, Mealy bugs, Sawfly Larvae, Leafminer, Emerald Ash Borer, Bronze Birch Borer, plus many more.
- Provides excellent systemic control and long-lasting residual
- Low use rates for cost-efficient, highly effective control
- Proven performer, Imidacloprid, provides excellent broad-spectrum control
Active Ingredient: Imidacloporid
Packaging: 1 Gal jug
Rate: 3-6 ml / DBH
Equivalent Brand: Bayer Merit 0.5G
Packaging: 30 pound bag
Rate: 1.2 to 1.8 lbs / 1,000 sq. ft.
Imidacloprid 75 WSP (Water Soluble Bags)

Imidacloprid is a broad-spectrum ornamental, turf & landscape insecticide that is highly systemic. It is a proven performer and provides excellent and long-lasting pest control. Here are just some of the pests Imidacloprid controls: Japanese Beetle larvae, Japanese Beetle, Cutworm larvae, Green June Beetle Larvae, Adelgids, Leaf Beetles, Leafhoppers, Mealy bugs, Sawfly Larvae, Leafminer, Emerald Ash Borer, Bronze Birch Borer, plus many more.
- Provides excellent systemic control and long-lasting residual
- Low use rates for cost-efficient, highly effective control
- Proven performer, Imidacloprid, provides excellent broad-spectrum control
Active Ingredient: Imidacloporid
Packaging: 4x(4 x 1.6) ounce bags, 88 x 1.6 ounce bags/ mini drums
Rate: 4 – 1.6oz pkts / 100 gal. Water soil, 1- 1.6oz. pkt. / 100 gal. Water foliar
Zylam Liquid

A liquid formulation dinotefuran, Zylam liquid systemic insecticide provides exceptional control of a broad spectrum of listed chewing and sucking insects. Used a drench, soil injection, or bark banding application, Zylam liquid features translaminar activity to quickly move through the leaf and control insects that hide on the underside of leaf surfaces. Some of the pests Zyma controls: Scale, Flat-headed borers, Leaf Hoppers, Bagworms, Mealybugs, Japanese Beetles, Aphids, and more.
Using Zylam with the EZ-Ject Soil Injector is a favorite among most arborists.
Active Ingredient: Dinotefuran
Packaging: 1 quart
Rate: Follow label directions
Mode of Action: Systemic

Safari Insecticide, a new generation, super-systemic insecticide with quick uptake and knockdown, controls a broad spectrum of invasive pests. Safari is super-flexible and can be applied as a drench, soil injection, foliar spray or via chemigation systems. As a foliar spray, Safari provides quick knockdown and excellent transalinar control of pests that feed on the under side of leaves. Some of the pests Safari controls: Adelgids, Flathead Borers, Leaf Hoppers, Leafminers, Mealybugs, Oriental Beetle, Scale (armored & soft), Round-Headed Borers, and WhiteFlies.
Active Ingredient: Dinotefuran
Packaging: 3 lb jug
Rate: 12-24 oz / 100 gal water as a spray, 75-1.5 lbs / 100 gals water as a soil treatment
Mode of Action: Systemic

Astro insecticide provides excellent control of borers, beetles, leafhoppers, chinch bugs, cutworms and over 40 other damaging tree and lawn pests. Astro is formulated for quick knockdown and longer residual. On trees, Astro insecticide penetrates into the bark and doesn’t wash away with rainfall or irrigation. Unlike other pyrethroids labeld for lawn and ornamental use, Astro insecticide doesn’t typically cause skin or throat irritation. And Astro doesn’t produce an offensive odor like organophosphates and carbamates can.
Active Ingredient: Permethrin
Packaging: 1.25 gallon
Rate: Foliar feeding insects = 4-8 oz / 100 gal water; Borers 1-2 Qts / 100 gal water
Permethrin SFR

Permethrin SFR is a broad-spectrum insecticide that offers a quick knockdown of target pests, as well as a long-lasting residual. This product may be used indoors and outdoors on turf, ornamentals, buildings and structures. Permethrin SFR targets: ants, aphids, termites, Japanese beetles, bagworms, caterpillars, fleas, flies, mosquitoes (livestock premises only), wasps, ticks, ground beetles, and sod webworms.
Active Ingredient: Permethrin 36.8%
Packaging: 1.25 gallons
Rate: Foliar feeding insects 4-8 oz / 100 gal water; Borers 1-2 Qts / 100 gal water
Conserve SC

Quick knockdown and effective control of lepidopterous larvae such as Bagworms, Gypsy Moths, Tent Caterpillars, Spruce Budworms, Leafminers, Pine Tip Moth, Thrips, Midges and many turf insects.
Active Ingredient: Spinosad
Rate: 6 oz / 100 gal, 24 oz / acre
Talus 70DF

Talus 70DF is the only IGR labeled for control of Whitefly, Mealybug, Scale, and Grassy-winged Sharpshooter that has Chitin Synthesis Inhibition as its mode of action. Talus disrupts molting by blocking the formation of chitin, the building block of insect exoskeleton. The exoskeleton, the insect’s skin and bones, must be absorbed and then re-formed during each successive molt. Without the ability to synthesize chitin, molting is incomplete, resulting in malformed pests that soon die. Talus delivers toxicity to pests via contact, ingestion and vapor activity. There is little or no systemic movement of Talus in plants. But its vapor activity allows Talus to reach leaf undersides where many pest species dwell, and it helps protect new growth. In addition to its primary mode of action, Talus also suppresses egg-laying and causes egg sterility in treated adults through secondary hormonal activity. Talus has also shown to be fully compatible to a broad variety of beneficial insects making it ideal for IPM programs.
Active Ingredients: Buprofezin
Packaging: 3 Lb
Rate: 14 oz / 100 gal water