
Banner Sales And Consulting’s Eco-Friendly Information

Being Eco-Friendly

Our goal as a team of highly qualified Arborists, Agronomists and Horticulturalists has been to test and validate the best environmentally friendly options available to growers, government agencies and landscape service providers. Because biologicals are very expensive and difficult to quantify results, we have found the following products in this section as the perfect fit for those looking to employ a model of care that is cost effective, safer for the future workforce, and trusted to provide results on par with traditional pesticides. We have placed a strong emphasis on our part to diligently test using scientific methods on all the products we offer ensuring our network of customers can trust the options we are providing however, don’t just take our word for it, plan to test and you’re your own trials. In-house trials are extremely important knowing that the time and expense it takes to rely on universities has dramatically increased over the last 3-5 years. The cost for a manufacturer to develop and bring a pesticide to market now costs over $500 million.

In a world that has become increasingly complex especially related to pesticide usage, we believe these products can simplify and, in many situations, reduce your exposure to regulatory challenges such as pollinator regulations, pesticide toxicity label laws, and increasing state-wide bans of certain pesticides. We know it’s not just about products, its about people and processes as well so we’ve taken considerable steps to ensure labor savings was a key part of our decision-making process without compromising results.

Aqueus Growthful – Breaking the disease triangle!

There are 10 factors related to plant health that Aqueus contributes like no other products in the marketplace

  • Aqueus is a large diffuse positive charged molecule known as Tydronium
  • Aqueus acts as an acidic salt allowing a hydrolysis reaction which means “to break water in half”
  • Because of the hydrolysis reaction and being an acidic salt it becomes “Carbonic acid” which is found t
    o be in human blood. Carbonic acid is vital for you especially in the lungs where it allows CO2 to be released. Integral part of all respiration of living things, carbonic acid.
  • Carbonic acid in a bicarbonate system buffers pH between 5.3-5.6 specifically in what is called the near root system which is extremely unique but very important to ease of plant metabolizing functions. ph reducers are like band-aids, but Aqueus Growthful is re-constructive.
  • Aqueus creates a charge-deficit gradient which attracts cations away from clay particles making it ultra easy for the plant to absorb minerals and nutrients that would normally be locked up in the soil. “The Tractor-Beam Effect”. Hugely eye-opening, a similar gradient occurs within the leaf causing nutrients to be driven into the cell membrane.
  • Growthful helps create a H+ rich solution that favors N staying in the NH4+ form. Aqueus Growthful is a reactor.
  • By creating an acid-rich soil environment, Growthful reacts with these unavailable Phosphorous forms and makes them soluable and available for plant nutrient uptake.
  • Growthful can be described as a reactor in the soil that builds and refines all nutrients including micro-nutrients thereby reducing the need for inputs especially when most micro-nutrients have a sufficient source of supply that is normally untapped.
  • Redox (Oxidation-reduction) and acid based reactions are essential for the maintenance of all living organisms. (Eh) is far more important than (pH). Growthful helps to buffer Eh and pH in the soil solution optimizing nutrient availability.
  • Growthful increases plant cell metabolic efficiency. Greater cellular efficiency requires less energy for metabolism and allows more resources to be used for growth, development depending on stages of growth, and stress management which in turn greatly imporves plant health. Aqueus Growthful is a “Super Charged Metabollic Energy”.
Aqueus Growthful

Entrapment SP – Organic Insecticide

Roundup Pro

The future of pest control is here. Manage yield-robbing insects and mites without the downsides that come with traditional chemical insecticides, while maintaining the performance level of conventional standards. Must be used in combination with Ampersand adjuvant. Thoroughly tested by Banner Sales ensuring it can be combined with Aqueus Growthful in the same spray tank as a combination spray.

Packaging: 1 gallon
Rate: Please contact our reps to discuss custom use rates of Ampersand based on these recommended rates.
4 oz per 100 gallons controls Spider Mites
8 oz per 100 gallons to control Aphids, Adelgids, Lacewings, Leafminers, Midges, Scale Crawlers, Thrips and White Flies.

For control of caterpillars and other insects, we also provide 3 other specific versions of Entrapment. Please contact our reps for further details based on the crops or insects you need to control.

Dipel Pro DF

Zylam Liquid

Registered for use on a variety of ornamentals, Dipel Pro DF delivers outstanding control of more than 30 species of insects, including tent caterpillar, webworm, bagworm, gypsy moth and tussock moth. Its dry flowable formulation is dust free and easy to measure and mix. DiPel Pro DF is biodegradable and has minimal effect on humans, non-target animals or the environment. DiPel DF is listed by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in organic production.

Active Ingredient: Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. Kurstaki
Packaging: 1 lb bag
Rate: .25 -2 lb / acre or 100 gal

If you’re ready to discover the difference with Bio aeration, give us a call!

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